There is hope after all.
So anyways, here are my err... weekly update!
DAY 4: SATURDAY, 10 APRIL 2010 - What in the World?

DAY 5: SUNDAY, 11 APRIL 2010 - Old Friends

I had been feeling quite bleagh; very oh-woe-is-me!; and this encounter quite unexpectedly became very encouraging and soon I was refreshed and revitalised.
There will be old friends and new friends; old family and new family - but still we love 'em all!
DAY 6: MONDAY, 12 APRIL 2010 - Happy Engagement, T and S!
We went to The Point in Albert Park, one of our absolutely favourite resturants (though we only tend to make an annual pilgrimage, when we have our valid discount of 'buy-1-free-1 main') to celebrate the engagement of The Husband's groomsman T and his child-bride-to-be S (tongue-in-cheek!). Speaking of spending quality time in small-ish groups, it was the first time The Husband and I have actually gotten a chance to go out with the both of them alone, so it was a fantastic night out! With great food. Was it any surprise from the picture above that we ended up ordering steaks all-around?
DAY 7 AND 8 - FAIL !
DAY 9: THURSDAY, 15 APRIL 2010 - Costco Queen

2 litres of mayo, anyone?
It was too good to resist. This massive jar of mayonnaise from Costco was even cheaper than buying a jar half its size from our local supermarket. Addressing Food Safety issues, we never double-dip and keep the jar in the fridge - we've kept our open (but uncontaminated!) jar in the fridge for months and have never gotten sick before!
That night I was dubbed Costco Queen.
DAY 10 - FAIL!
DAY 1: SATURDAY, 17 APRIL 2010 - Car Servicing is fun!

St. Ali
12-18 Yarra Place, South Melbourne
We had to wake up at an unacceptable time of 7:30am on a Saturday morning as we had to send our car for its routine service. Good thing that the day was sunny but cool, and very pleasant!
After we dropped the car off, we walked to St Ali for breakfast. This was the first time we've been there since the 'tut-tut' bought-over. Word is, people in the (Melbourne coffee scene) know have stopped going there due to the controversial issues surrounding the purchase of the business. Don't take my word for it, but something along the lines of the original owner not knowing who the actual purchasers were, and that if he had known, he would not have sold it to them.
But anyways, we went there for brekkie, and it wasn't too bad. My corn fritters were slightly oilier than what I would've liked, but overall it was nice.
After we dropped the car off, we walked to St Ali for breakfast. This was the first time we've been there since the 'tut-tut' bought-over. Word is, people in the (Melbourne coffee scene) know have stopped going there due to the controversial issues surrounding the purchase of the business. Don't take my word for it, but something along the lines of the original owner not knowing who the actual purchasers were, and that if he had known, he would not have sold it to them.
But anyways, we went there for brekkie, and it wasn't too bad. My corn fritters were slightly oilier than what I would've liked, but overall it was nice.
After brekkie, we took a nice walk to and in the South Melbourne Market, which is always a treat for me. A trip to the ATM within a nearby shopping centre suddenly saw The Husband and I get manicures. Yes - you read right - we both did. Actually his was even more expensive, as he had gotten acrylic overlays put on his nails in an attempt to halt his extreme compulsive nail-biting habit (onychophagia).
Nails done; The Husband wasn't feeling too well so we decided to have lunch then go home. Had seriously the most authentic Malaysian Roast Chicken Rice at:
Coconut House 449 Elizabeth St Melbourne.
Nails done; The Husband wasn't feeling too well so we decided to have lunch then go home. Had seriously the most authentic Malaysian Roast Chicken Rice at:
Coconut House 449 Elizabeth St Melbourne.
Even though we are aiming for authenticity, typos on signage is just not acceptable. Seriously, if one is to spend so much money on signage, at least proofread! There were typos like "Home-grown Austyralian soybeans" and "Come and discovery for yourself".
Reminded me of the time I saw a typo in a Chinese restaurant menu and exclaimed, "Oh no - the poor tofu got fired!"