Sunday, August 22, 2010

From H

The inability to give is a failure to recognise that it has already been given to you, in the first place.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Calling yourself Christian amounts to nothing.

Calling yourself Christian amounts to nothing.

It's merely lip-service; possibly self-serving with a hope of escapism.

It is better to be an atheist, or Buddhist, or Muslim, or 'unlabelled' and believe that we need to be a part of something that will restore humanity; than a 'christian' who thinks the problem will fix itself (so long as it didn't have anything to do with them).

So if you, whether white, yellow, black, short, tall, gay, straight, married, unmarried, poor, rich, atheist, buddhist, muslim, believe that the world is worth restoring, and believe that you can be part of that change, let's join together to be
part of something that will restore humanity and all the world.

Labels mean shite, after all.