Monday, March 1, 2010

Word and Prayer; Map and Compass; Truth and Grace

I'm excited for what this year will bring. I'm excited to see how God moves this year. There is emphasis at Expedition to delve further and focus on the Word and prayer this year, and I'm actually excited, believe it or not.

So much about prayer I do not comprehend; my scope limited to asking for what I want, like a kid asking Santa for a list of things. Not like there's anything wrong about asking; most of the time it's hardly a problem about what we're asking for, but I suppose I have been a bit shallow with the "why we're asking".

A structured tool to help me rookie get started on this involves the acronym p.r.a.y:
  1. Praise(Adoration; 'Eucharistia' thanksgiving)/Pour out (Immersion) - "Our Father in heaven"
    Be honest about where you are; what are you thankful for/disappointed at
  2. Refocus/Reach forward (Adherence)- "Hallowed (kept holy) be Your name; Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven"
    Think about what's ahead ("After all that Jesus has done, I believe that..."). Share your goals and how they align with kingdom purposes. Intercession. What's my hope? What has been promised?
  3. Ask/Appropriate together/Cooperation/Communion - "Give us today our daily bread; Forgive our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors"
    The Spirit is already at work around you - request boldly. What can I pray for? Itemise your obstacles and needs.
  4. Yearn together/ Yield (Consecration) - "[For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever - so let it be]"
    You have been given all you need - now let go. "I dedicate this to You - may...". Hold hope together before God.
This seems to give me more clarity as to what I'm praying, and hoping for. It has helped me refocus a bit more on what goes on in my daily life; what I pray for; or what I hope to pray for.

Admittedly I haven't been a gung-ho prayerful person. I'm often caught up with what I can do, or what I ought to know. But when living life, SPTG likens Word to a map, prayer to a compass.

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